When it comes to Projector, we've been there, done that, now serving 252 tips in 19 categories ranging from Bar and Club Projectors to Trade Show Projectors.
For small Trade Show venues, DVD Multimedia Projectors are a great choice. With a Lumens of 2000 and lower, not only is the projector light and portable but you can use it to show your presentation DVDs to a small group. This is the perfect projector for a group of 50 people or less and doesn't require a lot of other equipment and accessories.
Your Trade Show's success rests not only in the multimedia projectors that you select, but also in the screen that you use to project your display. One of the hottest trends in the Trade Show industry is to use the large sized Plasma screens. These screens range in size from 37”- 61”. Plasma Displays are a show stopping way to draw attention to your Trade Show display.
Wireless multimedia projectors are becoming increasingly popular, especially with Trade Show vendors. Setting up displays is much simpler without worrying about cables and cords. Though wireless projectors are still a relatively new technology, many companies are now offering wireless projectors as well as accessories. Check with the manufacturer of your multimedia projector and see if they have a wireless card and software on the market. You may be able to pull the plug on your projector.
LCOS or Liquid Crystal on Silicon has been touted to be the better than Texas Instrument's DLP (Digital Light Processing) and LCD (Liquid Crystal Display). For those who favor LCOS the technology is still fairly new, but the Canon Realis SX50 does utilize it and at 8.6 pounds is portable and light. However, the Resolution setting of 1400 x 1050 pixels doesn't make it suitable for everyone.
Your Return of Investment or ROI with trade show projectors is vitally important to calculating how much profit you have made. The easiest way to determine your ROI is to take your income and subtract from it the costs of your inventory and supplies. The amount left is your Return of Investment. Using multimedia projectors for your displays is a great way to improve your ROI. It is more cost effective to create a captivating visual display as opposed to printing handouts that may be immediately discarded.
Trade shows in large venues can require a lot of setup. One simple way to ensure that you will have the Trade Show exhibit that you have planned is to hire a Trade Show tech. The tech will be in charge of making sure that the large venue projection is flawless and that your equipment will be ready for you to use. Some companies that rent trade show equipment will also set it up for you and will also help you with any questions that you have about using it.
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